
Karin Morgan, agronomie doktor & docent

Karin Morgan, agronomie doktor & docent

Karin brinner för ”hästsvett och vetenskap”

Karin är agronomie doktor i lantbruksteknik med inriktning på byggnadsplanering och husdjurens närmiljö. Hon studerade hästars temperatur- och värmereglering i sin doktorsavhandling ”Short-term thermoregulatory responses to brief changes in ambient temperature”. Hon är ofta anlitad som föreläsare och expert om täckets vara eller icke vara. Karin valde sin yrkesbana som teknikagronom för att utveckla såväl djurens stallmiljö som skötarens arbetsmiljö. Det har hon haft möjlighet att göra med FoU-arbetet kring hållbar och rationell hästhållning, som är ett uttalat strategiskt utvecklingsområde på Hästnäringens riksanläggningar sedan 2012.

Karin började arbeta som lektor med SLUs Hippologprogram  redan 1996 direkt efter att forskarutbildningen var klar. Ett stort fokus har varit hippologstudenternas examensarbeten med kursledning, handledning och examination. Sedan 1999 har hon arbetat på Ridskolan Strömsholm med Hippologprogrammet mm och parallellt byggt upp forskningsverksamheten. Det innebär att söka forskningsmedel, ansvara för projekt, forskningssamarbeten och externa kontakter och nätverk både nationellt men även internationellt. Forskningen har inriktats på områdena Häst & hästhållning, Häst och människa samt Rid- och körkonst.

Karin har varit huvudhandledare för såväl Gabriella Torell Palmquist (klar 2017) som Linda Kjellberg (klar 2022) under deras forskarstudier. Nu är Karin biträdande handlerare för Therese Waerner (GIH) och Nina Känsälä (SLU).


Internationellt granskade artiklar

Morgan, E. K. M. 1995. Climatic Energy Demand of Horses. Equine Exercise Physiology 4. Ed. N. E. Robinson. Equine Veterinary Journal, Supplement 18, May, pp. 396-399.

Morgan, K. 1997. Thermal insulance of peripheral tissue and coat in sport horses. J. therm. Biol. Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 169-175.

Morgan, K., Ehrlemark, A. and Sällvik, K. 1997. Dissipation of heat from standing horses exposed to ambient temperatures between -3°C and 37°C. J. therm. Biol. Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 177-186.

Morgan, K. 1997. Effects of short-term changes in ambient temperature or altered insulation in horses. therm. Biol. Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 187-194.

Jansson, A., Nyman, S., Morgan, K., Palmgren-Karlsson, C., Lindholm, A. & Dahlborn, K. 1995. The effects of ambient temperature and saline loading on changes in plasma and urine electrolytes (Na+, K+) following exercise. Equine Veterinary Journal, Supplement 20 147-152.

Morgan, K. 1998. Thermoneutral zone and critical temperatures of horses. J. therm. Biol. Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 59-61.

Dahlborn, K., Jansson, A., Nyman, S., Morgan, K., Holm, L. and Ridderstråle, Y. 1999. Sweat production and localisation of carbonic anhydrase in the equine sweat gland during exercise at two ambient temperatures. Equine vet. J. Suppl. 30, pp. 398-403.

Morgan, K., Funkquist, P. och Nyman, G. 2010. The effect of coat clipping on thermoregulation during intense exercise in trotters. Equine Veterinary Journal, Supplement 34 pp. 564-567.

Visser, E. K., Van Reenen, C. G., Rundgren, M., Zetterqvist, M., Morgan, K. och Blokhuis, H. J. 2003. Responses of horses in behavioural tests correlate with temperament assessed by riders. Equine Veterinary Journal; 35 (2): 176-83.

Visser, EK, Van Reenen, CG, Blokhuis, M., Morgan, EK., Hassmén, P., Rundgren, TM., och Blokhuis, HJ. 2008. Does horse temperament influence horse-rider cooperation?. J Appl Anim Welf Sci.; 11 (3): 267-84. 

Morgan, K., Nyman, G. och Funkqvist, P. 2008. Heat balance in trotters during intense exercise. In Nutrition of the exercising horse. M.T. Saastamoinen & W. Martin-Rosset. EAAP Publication No. 125. Pp. 165-168. Wageningen Academics Publisher.

Morgan, K. 2008. Feeding in hot and humid conditions. In Nutrition of the exercising horse. Ed. M.T. Saastamoinen & W. Martin-Rosset. EAAP Publication No. 125. Pp. 305-312. Wageningen Academics Publisher.

Nyman, G.; Marntell, S.; Edner, A.; Funkquist, P. Morgan, K. och Hedenstierna, G.; Effect of sedation with detomidine and butorphanol on pulmonary gas exchange in the horse. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 2009, 51, 22, pp (07 May 2009).

Byström, A., Stalfelt, A., Egenvall, A., von Peinen, K., Morgan, K. and Roepstorff, L. 2010. Influence of girth strap placement and panel flocking material on the saddle pressure pattern during riding of horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, Volume 42. Supplement 38. Pp 502-509. 

Morgan, K., Kjellberg, L, Karlsson Budde, L., Kjell, E. & Ryman, M. 2015. Pilot study on work load management and feed intake time when feeding horses with small mesh haynets. Livestock Science, 186, April 2016, Pages 63-68.

Thorell, G., Hedenborg, S., Stråhlman, O. and Morgan, K. 2016. From giving orders to engaging in dialogue: Military norms being challenged at the Swedish riding school. International Review for Sociology of Sport. 1-20.

Thorell, G., Augustsson, C., Stråhlman, O. and Morgan, K. 2018. The Swedish riding school: a social arena for young riders. Sport in Society. Vol 21:9 (1416-1431).

Morgan, K., Engström, N., Lundvall, O. and Kaijser, S. 2017. A Pilot Study on Measurement and Modeling of Surface Area of Horses. Arch vet Sci Technol, ASVT-116. (Vol 2017: Issue 04, pp 1-4.)

Kjellberg, L. and Morgan, K. (2021) Introduction to automatic forage stations and measurement of forage intake rate in active open barn for horses. Animal, 115 (3) March 2021, 100152.

Kjellberg, L., Yngvesson, J., Sassner, H. and Morgan, K. 2021. Horses’ Use of Lying Halls and Time Budget in Relation to Available Lying Area. Animals 2021, 11, 3214.

Kjellberg, L., Dahlborn, K., Roepstorff, L. & Morgan, K. 2024. Frequency and nature of health issues among horses housed in an active open barn compared to single boxes – A field study. Equine Vet. J.2024:1-8.

Waerner, T., Thedin Jakobsson, B., Morgan, K. & Redelius, K. 2024. Participation rights in youth sport – voices of young Swedish equestrian. YOUNG. 

Presentationer vid internationella konferenser (kronologisk ordning)

Morgan, E. K. M. Climatic Energy Demand of Horses. 4th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology, Jul 11-16, Kooralbyn, Queensland, Australia. Posterpresentation och miniföredrag.

Nyman, G., Morgan, K. & Funkquist, P. 1997. A pilotstudy on sedation of horses with detomidine in relation to body weight or body surface area. Abstract. 6th International Congress of Veterinary Anaesthesiology, Sept 23-27, Thessaloniki, Grekland.

Engström, N., Morgan, K., Kaijser, S. & Lundvall, O. 1997. Measurement and modelling of surface area of horses. Abstract. 6th International Congress of Veterinary Anaesthesiology, Sept 23-27, Thessaloniki, Grekland.

Morgan, K., Nyman, G. & Funkquist, P. 1999. Sedation of horses with detomidine in relation to body surface area. Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, Autumn Meeting in Madrid, Sept (23-24), 1999. Föredrag.

Morgan, K., Zetterqvist, M., Hassmén, P., Visser, E.K., Rundgren, M. & Blokhuis, H. J. 2000. Rider´s personality and perceptionof the co-operation between rider and horse. 51th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production in The Hague, NL, August 21-24, 2000. Föredrag.

Morgan, K, Funkquist, P. och Nyman, G. 2002. The effect of coat clipping on thermoregulation during intense exercise in trotters. 6th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology, Sept 22-28, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Föredrag.

Morgan, K., Nyman, G. & Funkquist, P. 2004. Sedation of horses with detomidine in relation to body surface area. Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, Wien 2004. Poster.

Morgan, K., Aspång, L. och Holmgren, S. 2007. Lower critical temperature of competition horses. 48th European Association for Animal Production, Annual Meeting, Aug 26-29, Dublin, Irland. Föredrag.

Morgan, K., Nyman, G. och Funkqvist, P. 2008. Heat balance in trotters during intense exercise. 4th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition. Jul 23-25, Forssa, Finland. Föredrag (short paper).

Morgan, K. Feeding in hot and humid conditions. 4th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition. Jul 23-25, Forssa, Finland. Föredrag (invited speaker).

Morgan, K., Linder, M., Warmenius, E. and Roepstorff. L. 2010. Use of blankets during recovery post-exercise in ridinghorses. 8th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology, Cape Town, South Africa. 

Morgan, K., Byström, A., Stalfelt, A. and Roepstorff, L. 2012. Is it possible to fingerprint a rider’s seat? 7th International Conference on Equine Locomotion, ICEL, Strömsholm, Jun 25-28 2012, Sweden. 

Morgan, K., Kanstrup, A. and Rundgren, M. 2014. Factors affecting fetlock problems in young horses. International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology 2014, Chester, UK. Poster.

Morgan, K., Kjellberg, L, Karlsson Budde, L., Kjell, E. & Ryman, M. 2015. Feeding horses with small-mesh hay-net – effects on feeding time and working routines. 7th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Sep 28-Oct 2, Leipzig. Föredrag.

Morgan, K., Kåmark, I., Lundman, J., Sandberg, S. & Eisersiö, M. 2015. Is group-housed horses less reactive? 66th EAAP, Aug 31- Sep 4, Warsaw, Poland. Föredrag.

Morgan, K., Andersson, R. & Starck, E. 2022. Short-term memory in horses – a practical study. International Society of Applied Ethology (ISAE Nordic), Jan 26-28, 2022, Zoom. Föredrag.

Medförfattare till presentationer vid internationella konferenser (kronologisk ordning)

Holgersson, A-L., Philipsson, J., Dalin, G., Morgan, K., Planck, C. & Wengelin, R. 1997. Diploma of Higher Education in horse management in Sweden. Abstract. 48th European Association for Animal Production, Aug 25-28, Vienna, Austria. Wageningen Pers, Wagening.

Marntell, S., Nyman, G., Funkquist, P., Löfgren, A-M. & Morgan, K. 1997. A clinical evaluation of cardirespiratory changes in colts undergoing castration during dissocative anaestesia. Abstract. 6th International Congress of Veterinary Anaesthesiology, Sept 23-27, Thessaloniki, Grekland.

Visser, E.K., Rundgren, M., Zetterqvist, M., Morgan, K., och Blokhuis, H. J. 2000. Do subjective ratings of riders correlate with objective scores from behavioural tests? 51th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production in The Hague, NL, August 21-24, 2000.

Morgan, K., Pettersson, A-C., Berggren, E. and Zetterqvist Blokhuis, M. 2008. Goal-related educational staircase in show jumping. 4th International Equitation Science Conference, ISES, Dublin, Ireland. 

Byström, A., Stalfelt, A., Egenvall, A., von Peinen, K., Morgan, K. and Roepstorff, L. 2010. Influence of girth strap placement and panel flocking material on the saddle pressure pattern during riding of horses. 8th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology, Cape Town, South Africa. Föredrag.

Carlberg, S., Stalfelt, A. och Morgan, K. 2010. Evaluation of pressure mat as a tool for seat correction. 6th International Equitation Science Conference, ISES, Uppsala, Sweden. 

Elander, R., Thorell, G. och Morgan, K. 2010. Rider’s anxiety in relation to competitive performance. 6th International Equitation Science Conference, ISES, Uppsala, Sweden. 

Thorell, G., Esping, K., Linders, A. och Morgan, K. 2010. Fitness test of sport riders in dressage and show jumping. 6th International Equitation Science Conference, ISES, Uppsala, Sweden. 

Stalfelt, A., Byström, A., Egenvall, A. , von Peinen, K., Morgan, K. och Roepstorff, L. 2010. Influence of the rider on saddle pressure pattern during riding. 6th International Equitation Science Conference, ISES, Uppsala, Sweden. Föredrag.

Kjellberg, L. & Morgan, K. 2014. Introduction of automatic feeding stations in an active stable system 7th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Sep 28-Oct 2, Leipzig. Föredrag.

Thorell, G., Morgan, K., Hedenborg, S. 2015. From Military Norms to Individual coaching: A changing educational discourse as an answer to commercial challenges in Swedish riding schools. 20th ECSS Congress 24-27 June 2015 Malmö, Sverige. Mini-föredrag.

Kjellberg, L., Morgan, K., Ilvonen, J. and L. Segander, L. 2015. Lying behaviour in horses on straw and pelleted sawdust. 66th EAAP, Aug 31- Sep 4, Warsaw, Poland. 

Benderius, O., Karlsteen, M., Sundin, M., Morgan, K., Rhodin, M., & Roepstorff, L. 2016. A realistic simulation model of the interacting rider and horse behaviour. 12th International Equitation Science Conference, June 23-25, 2016. French National Riding School • Saumur • France. Poster.

Kjellberg, L. and Morgan, K. 2016. Effect of housing system on health indicators in horses. 8th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, June 16-18, Dijon, France. Föredrag.

Kjellberg, L., Morgan, K. and Yngvesson, J. 2018. Injuries of horses housed in box and individually or in groups outdoors vs active open barn. 14th International Equitation Science Conference, ISES, Rome, Italy. Poster.

Kjellberg, L. and Morgan, K. 2018. Measurement of horses’ feeding rate in automatic roughage stations. EWEN. 9th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Aug 16-18, Uppsala/Strömsholm, Sweden.

Waerner, T., Redeelius, K., Thedin-Jakobsson, B. & Morgan, K. Perspectives of participation rights in youth sport – voices from young equestrians. ECER 2023, European Conference on Educational Research, 22-25 August, Glasgow.


Larsson, A. och Morgan, K. 1988. Kan jonisering påverka stalldammets partikelstorlek? Examensarbete 63. Institutionen för lantbrukets byggnadsteknik, SLU, Uppsala.

Morgan, K. 2008. Kotledsskador hos svensk halvblodshäst – en pilotstudie. Slutrapport för forskningsprojekt finansierat av Agria.

Karin Morgan, Chef för Forskning och Utveckling

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